“A protocol is an outlined procedure for action. Protocols can be prescriptive and bureaucratic, medical and normalizing. But, as I will outline here, protocols can also serve as design templates. As such, they can be re-iterated, re-designed, tinkered with, and hacked to produce a new state of things.
Disability activists often point to accessibility as a quality of built environments that is often produced through technical protocols, such as checklists. As Mia Mingus argues, the checklist approach to accessibility renders “liberation” as “logistics.”
But protocols also have a history in activist technoscience. In Seizing the Means of Reproduction, Michelle Murphy describes “protocol feminism” as a set of practices through which technoscience is made “accessible, routinizable, and do-able.” For feminists in the women’s health movement, protocols defined shared practices of knowing, perceiving, and making health beyond the expert domain of male-dominated medicine.”
Through the Critical Design Lab.

Also interesting podcasts: