Door: Ginevra Petrozzi
“Digital esoterism explores how divination tools might be refashioned in order to reclaim a sense of agency against Big Data, which, in the era of Surveillance Capitalism, has become a quasi-magical entity predicting and programming the future. Reaching into the origin of magic as an anti-capitalist tool could change the way we perceive modern systems of control such as Big Data, and Surveillance Capitalism, which often, without our consent and knowledge, guide our choices and actions.
The rediscovery of the role of witchcraft and magic in contemporary times has broad participation of scholars, artists and designers, yet it seems rather unexplored how magic tools can help undo global surveillance by generating rituals of resistance.
Ginevra Petrozzi performs readings placing Tarots in a digital perspective and reading digital realities using the smartphone, like one would read a Tarot card. Ads based on your Google search history, suggested Instagram posts linked to online interests: what do these modern signs, this automated flow of content algorithms fill our phones with daily, say about us and our future?”