Book: Against Creativity

Oli Mould schreeft dit boek in 2018, intussen verschenen er van hem teksten en boeken die te vinden zijn op

Het boek ‘Against Creativity’ geeft goede kritiek op hoe ‘creativiteit’ wordt ingezet en gebruikt vandaag de dag. M

“…Against Creativity urges people to be a bit less creative in their pursuit of wealth. Instead, the Left must reclaim the language of creativity; people must use their ingenuity to imagine new ways to organize and live. As Mould suggests, “True creativity is to seek out the tiny voices offering viable alternatives to the injustices of capitalism.”[12] Now, as the creative class is destabilized by COVID-19, there are openings to think outside of the capitalist profit-driven box: Against Creativity is a call to create forms of cooperation that foster social connection and equality both interpersonally and at large.” (