“Inspired by the revolutionary collective models of the Medu Art Ensemble, Taller de Gráfica Popular, Atelier Populaire, Luther Blissett, Guerrilla Girls, the White Rose, and Gran Fury, the Institute strives for cooperative design solutions both self-initiated and along with other activists. These groups were born out of specific flashpoints in history, creating art that signaled defiance against tyrannical rule, oppression, and autocracy. They each manifested the spirit of critical moments, and left behind a lasting visual legacy. The impact of these forebears was deep and meaningful, and the Institute aspires to uphold their ethics.”
Tips en uitleg over ‘common based design’ via een door hen gemaakte publicatie ‘The ballot and the pixel’.

Daarin schrijven ze:
“To many designers working today, human-centered design frameworks like design thinking are almost like a second language, but fewer have experience community organizing. Issues-based, activist design collectives centralize the community in the creative process, not just as research or interview subjects. Design activists prioritize the voices of organizers who are most
impacted by social and environmental issues at the core of group determination. In Commons-Centered Design, designers apply direct democracy to collaborative design. Before Commons-Centered Design can be defined, the Institute offers a critique of one popular humancentered design framework, design thinking.”