Extinction claims

100 major fossil fuel producers around the world have generated over 70% of greenhouse gas emissions, therefore they are the main responsible for the damages to ecosystems and their endangered species.

“The Extinction Claims project is created by the artist and activist Paolo Cirio and it is a co-production between the art institutions Baltan Laboratories in Eindhoven and MediaMatic in Amsterdam.

In this project, Paolo Cirio combines the legal concept of “environmental personhood” with the “right of nature” jurisprudential theory, informed by climate change litigations, ecocide bills, and global climate treaties to give legal rights and protection to the natural world. Cirio aims to legally accuse the international oil, gas, and coal companies that deliberately emitted over 70% of all greenhouse gases, causing extensive damage to Earth’s ecosystems and the species dependent on them for survival, all with the intention of covering up their crimes for decades. This project issues requests to these firms for a financial reparation which is calculated by Cirio’s algorithm that integrates the economic concept of the “existence value” via contingent valuation combined with data on emissions from studies of “attribution science”.”

