Freee knitted scarves

Door: Freee Art Collective.

“Dave Beech, Andy Hewitt, and Mel Jordan are the three members of the Freee art collective. Freee uses manifesto, spoken choir, kiosk and bodily endorsement of slogan to attempt to form community through the declaration of agreement and disagreement. They use kiosks to assemble groups of people around ideas which are published on badges, clothing, and signage. Conceiving of publics through techniques that derive from montage: cutting, pasting, rearranging, splitting and joining, their work explores how individuals and groups can be temporarily cut out of the community and pasted into new configurations, rearranged through discursive processes of splitting and joining (disagreeing and agreeing) and then reassembled in a new totality through acts of collective publishing. They are preoccupied with the idea of ‘the collective’ and methods for us to all act more collectively within the public domain.”