Reclaiming Digital Infrastructures

“The project Reclaiming Digital Infrastructures (RDI) brings together thoughts, practices and people attempting to read and understand digital learning and its possible and probable infraructures. In a year full of COVID19 measures, physical learning has been restricted and at moments digital learning has become the new norm. … RDI is a collaboration with Constant, association for art and media. It sprung into existence thanks to a support from the framework Reclaiming the school that KASK School of Arts in Gent initiated as a way to support mid-pandemic experiments in learning futures and future learnings. Developing critical attitudes towards digital educational tools and infraructures is crucial if we want to integrate them in curricula for artistic education. (Re)Claiming agency over digital set-ups and installations arts with an analysis of their (digital) materiality, daring to play and speculate with them in order to formulate artistic and affirmative proposals.”