Stop Killer Robots

“Technology should be used to empower all people, not to reduce us – to stereotypes, labels, objects, or just a pattern of 1’s and 0’s.

With growing digital dehumanisation, the Stop Killer Robots coalition works to ensure human control in the use of force. Our campaign calls for new international law on autonomy in weapons systems.

Sign the petition

Together with Amnesty International we have launched a petition: “We call on government leaders around the world to launch negotiations for new international law on autonomy in weapons systems – to ensure human control in the use of force and to prohibit machines that target people, reducing us to objects, stereotypes, and data points.”

“Digital Dehumanisation: when machines decide, not people.

The technologies we’re worried about reduce living people to data points. Our complex identities, our physical features and our patterns of behaviour are analysed, pattern-matched and sorted into profiles, with decisions about us made by machines according to which pre-programmed profile we fit into.

This has very real consequences for historically marginalised or vulnerable communities. That’s because technology often cements – rather than challenges – already existing biases about who people are. Stereotypes are entrenched by automated decision-making.”