“Now, Adbusters is galvanizing a new campaign, The First Things First Project, to inspire designers around the globe to rediscover the human heart and political possibilities of design. Are we really going to allow corporations to determine the course of cultural history? Or are we going to take matters into our own hands?”

“Adbusters Magazine is the people’s bi-monthly journal of the mental environment.
But we’re so much more than a magazine.
We’re a global collective of writers, artists, designers, musicians, poets, philosophers and punks.
Since 1989 we’ve been smashing ads, fighting corruption and speaking truth to power. We’re trying to forge a new way of living, create a whole new cultural vibe to escape the capitalist paradigm and halt humanity’s slide into a 10,000-year dark age.
From BuyNothing Day to Occupy Wall Street we’ve been at the helm of our era’s defining tone-shifting moments. We’re the creators of the world’s most ethical shoes and a design manifesto that shocked many creative people to their core.”