Black Flag

Door: Santiago Sierra.

“Adopting social architecture as a mode of critique is a technique that has become synonymous with Santiago Sierra’s artistic practice. If the results are often painful, the frequent criticism made of his work that it perpetuates the brutality of an already merciless society is misleading. In 2006, Sierra stated his work is produced not as an image of society, but as society itself: “the only thing that the work does is tell [the audience] in which direction I want them to look.”

On 13 and 14 April 2015, Sierra completed Part 1 of Black Flag, planting the universal symbol of the anarchist movement, the black flag, at the geographical North Pole, latitude 90º N. On 14 December 2015, exactly 104 years after Roald Amundsen’s Norwegian expedition, Part 2 of Black Flag was completed when a second black flag was planted at the geographic South Pole, latitude 90º S.”
