Ruben Pater publiceerde in 2021 het boek CAPS LOCK. Het biedt een overzicht van verschillende manieren waarop (grafisch) ontwerp en kapitalisme samengaan. En dan vooral ook over de alternatieven of kritische ontwerpen die sommige grafisch ontwerp collectieven daar tegenover zetten.

“Capitalism could not exist without the coins, notes, documents, graphics, interfaces, branding and advertisements; artefacts that have been (partly) created by graphic designers. Even anti-consumerist strategies such as social design and speculative design are being appropriated within capitalist societies to serve economic growth. It seems that design is locked in a system of exploitation and profit, a cycle that fosters inequality and the depletion of natural resources.”

Inclusief opdrachten (een zogenaamde ‘educational toolkit’), te vinden via:

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