Door: Nina Boelsums
“Chosen cards are scanned with a barcode reader, incorporated into the model and placed on the playing board. Based on these targets, a planning algorithm developed by Paul Cockshott optimizes the distribution of resources, capital and labour. The results are output in diagrams by a receipt printer, which inform the players of their targets’ fulfillment, capital growth, emission levels, and the population’s happiness.At the start of the game, the board is set up according to a region’s material conditions. For the Netherlands area that includes things like pre-existing steel, gas, livestock and services industries, below sea-level tiles, little to no nature and a housing crisis. These settings come with a ‘rising tides’ climate change scenario: each turn the players roll a dice to see if half the land will be inundated by the sea. The chances of this happening increase if they do not limit emissions.”

“Over 50% of young people worldwide reject capitalism, but what is their alternative? As the saying goes: it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. How do we move beyond anti-capitalism to post-capitalism?”