Door: Mari Bastashevski
“Mari Bastashevski is an artist, researcher, a writer, investigator. Her work blurs the line between these fields deliberately. She focuses on issues of systemic failure and international conflict profiteering and the information vacuum that surrounds these issues. In this interview Mari talks about finding treasure troves of documents within data dumps.”
“In the case with the shredded documents, left behind by a Ukrainian oligarch, Kurchenko, after the fall of Yanukovych regime, the documents presented no informational value and I doubt they would ever lead to justice in a country where the judicial system is bankrupt. At the same time, these documents are incredibly interesting objects, historically and culturally. In shredding these, the individuals, removed from power, betrayed themselves: their act revealed guilt. The labour of the citizens into re-gluing these shreds back together on coloured paper is a graceful act of reclaiming agency. It may prove entirely futile, but it’s poetry.'”