“This is not a GAME: The life and death obstacles course to #Europe
#Syria has been consumed by war since 2011. At more than 4 million, #Syrians today are the world’s second largest #refugee community. To escape #death, #detention, and misery, they have to risk their lives on a long and dangerous path to safety and asylum. It is the ultimate life and death obstacle course.”

“The report spells out that Europe cannot
continue to count on the deadly sea crossing, fences and poor reception conditions to
act as a ‘filter of deterrence’. The current
narrative and policies cannot hold. As instability continues to rage across Syria, Libya,
Iraq and Afghanistan, the EU and European
governments must shift their current policies and provide a humane and humanitarian
response to refugees and migrants desperately seeking its protection and assistance.”
“At the core of humanitarian action is the notion of humanity between humans, which leads to an inherent and inevitable struggle with real moral dilemmas. It means showing solidarity to one person and having to explain to another why you can’t make resources available to them. The gamification of this reality as proposed by the development of MSF’s mobile game “It’s No Game” (working title) with Mediadante and Indiegogo not only wholly misrepresent the aims and reality of working for the organization, but this trivialization of the reality of humanitarian crisis (it will not allow you to experience for yourself “the unthinkable situations face by humanitarian workers on the frontline of conflicts”) is condescending and disrespectful to both MSF’s staff and its patients.“
