Door: Casco
“The Climate Justice Code (CJC) invites arts practitioners
and arts organizations to reconcile the values they
(re)present with the ways they organize and operate.
It proposes that they extend their sense of responsibility
towards the (eco)systems they are embedded in,
in order to recognize and act on the urgency of climate
and environmental breakdown.
Climate and environmental breakdown have caused
the Earth’s sixth mass extinction event. It is disrupting
and destroying generations of human and morethan-human life, shared environments, cultural practices, knowledges, ecosystems, and heritage.
The accelerating extermination of so much life on
this planet is a continuation of the destruction of
lifeworlds that has been at the centre of over five
hundred years of ever-expanding extractive colonial
capitalism. The CJC is a tool for responding to climate
breakdown trans-oceanically and intersectionally,
across the cultural sector, highlighting the power
and responsibility we all have to address the crisis.
The CJC aligns itself with the climate justice
movement, which means it recognizes that climate
and environmental breakdown are rooted in the
extractive structures of colonialism, imperialism,
patriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism.
However, those most marginalized by neocolonial
racialized capitalism continue to be hit the hardest.
Black, Indigenous, womxn-led, LGBTQI+, and lower
caste or class communities, and others around the
world, whose lands, waters, air, and lives are continuing
to be destroyed, have struggled with the many
crises of these extractive systems for centuries.”