Handmade sociological charts

Door: Students of W.E.B. DuBois.

“these sociological charts of black history, hand-made by students of famed African-American thinker and activist W.E.B. DuBois at Atlanta University in 1900, pack a serious punch. The Civil War had only ended decades earlier, and freed slaves and their descendants were hardly enjoying a post-racist paradise. DuBois’s students — and DuBois himself — were living that story themselves even as they quantified it in infographic form … DuBois organized the report as part of the Georgia Negro Exhibit” for the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris. (That’s why the text appears in French as well as English.) The exhibit included over 60 charts, maps, and photographs — and in addition to their amazing historical value, they’re aastonishingly beautiful in their design, too.”

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